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Product design

Programs used:

Solidworks, Keyshot, Adobe Photoshop

A new product that helps teenagers with Autism Spectrum Disorder to learn how to drive. Driving is an essential developmental skill, and current teaching methods are not inclusive of the special needs of teenagers with ASD. This EEG helmet assists in teaching by showing brainwave signals that can communicate the needs and emotions of these teenagers.


The goal of this project is to demonstrate my 3D modeling skillset by producing an intricate EEG helmet design. 


Duration: 14 weeks

Parking Lot

The Goal

One rite of passage in teenage years is learning how to drive. 


How might we design an EEG helmet for teenagers with Autism Spectrum Disorder that assists to learn driving so that they develop more independence?

The Problem

While researchers have extensively studied how to improve social skills, language development and emotion recognition in young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), far fewer studies have focused on meaningful skills related to adaptive adult independence such as driving.


Many individuals fail to achieve typical milestones related to adult independence, with the ability to drive an automobile representing a particularly important skill for individuals with ASD as well as typically developing adults.

The team of engineers at Vanderbilt University created a virtual reality simulator to help teens with autism get comfortable behind the wheel. (Abc News, Amy Weitlauf, Autistic Teens Learn to Drive.)
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Why an EEG helmet for driving?

The EEG-based helmet provides a non-invasive way to estimate the engagement level, emotional states, and mental workload of adolescents with ASD in order to facilitate individualized system adaptation for driving skill learning while they drive using a VR-based driving simulator.

An EEG helmet is a wearable device for electroencephalography, a monitoring method to record the electrical activity of the brain. EEG sensors in headsets place electrodes along the scalp to detect brain activity.


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BMW for Autism

For developing this technology, BMW has the potential to be the leading partner due to its engagement with this cause. BMW has sponsored events such as BMW Berlin Marathon: Run for Autism to increase awareness for ASD.


Design for Engagement

BMW EEG Helmet creates visual patterns using brain signals in order to detect the engagement level, emotional states, and mental workload of teenagers with ASD. The driver is fitted with sensors to measure their stress level.


The spectral features of EEG signals from a 14-channel EEG helmet, together with therapist ratings of behavioral engagement, enjoyment, frustration, boredom, and difficulty to train a group of classification models.

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Moodboard. Inspiration for the design comes from intricate butterfly wings and the materials of BMW i8. 
Process. Adapting hand-drawn sketches to 3D printable Solidworks prototype
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Asli Akdemir 2021©
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